People!! Don't you have a damn clue how to approach someone you don't know????
Not that I minded really talking about sex I suppose, but this brings me to a conclusion about "Her"
Last night after I had sent her a couple more pics and sent her a link to this blog of mine, I ended the email asking if I could call her.
After I sent the email I made a bet with myself that most likely I will never here from "Her?" again or she would back out.
GUESS WHAT??!! I May Be Right!!!!
Here's the response I got in return:
I'm sorry J - My husband who was previously ok with this changed his mind last night in a big way. I don't wanna waste your time and I don't wanna drag you into drama..
Sorry -
And here's mine in response:
I gotta laugh at this really! I made a bet with myself that after I asked to talk to you by phone I would not hear from you again, or you would back out!!! Ha! Ha!! I was right!!!
Why don't you just admit you are really a guy?!!!
I wonder how many others have wasted their time on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
If I am wrong (And I don't think I am!) Sorry!
Have a nice life!
J**Is this too harsh??? I swear though by the way she/he? carried on about sex made me think it was a guy!!!!
And from now on, I WON"T be sending anyone new to this blog OR sending them ANY of my pics until I am 100% sure of their intentions and/or gender!!!
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