Saturday, December 29, 2012

Things I Have Done And Will Do again!

Greetings sexy readers!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!!

Was perusing some sexy pics, and some of them brought back some fond memories of escapades past.....
Thought I would put it into pictures the naughty things I have done before (And so desire to do again!)

I adore this position while being fucked in the ass! Makes me squirt all over much like this.......

Yes I have and love wearing garters!!! So sexy! 

There is nothing quite like a nice hard cock running between my ass cheeks like this!

Oh Man!! I wish my clit was big enough to do this to! Maybe after I finally get my clit pump and use it enough to get enlarged I will be able to. Sigh!!! 

Love to do this and make him cum real good! Too bad that some guys don't like it! (Or are afraid to try!)

Ummmmm.......Well yes,yes indeed this happens to me when I'm fucked just like this! Be prepared to get soaked in my juices! 

What an awesome feeling this is! Reminds me of a time when I must have fucked myself in the ass for what seemed like hours! I just could not get enough! I just kept cumming and cumming! Needless to say the towel beneath me was soaked with all my squirting! Being fucked in the ass makes me squirt soooo much! MMMM! Bet you can tell what I am craving  right now!    

Hope you have enjoyed this foray into my  sex life! though some of these things I have not done for much too long, I crave them all deeply! 

Stay sexy!!!! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello Again!! Here's Some Kinks That Turn Me On!!

Been off of here for a while!! Sorry!!! Was perusing a Tumblr today, and came across a user ,   who posted some really nice stuff!!! I just HAD to share some of my favorites!! Enjoy!!!

Ummmmmm.....Yes Please!!! I love to have my clit vacuum sucked!

MMMMM! Love Glass! 

Can't say that I've ever tried this with my Hitachi. Don't know if  I even could do this! Might have to try!!

ROFL!!! Yes I did this too the first time I wore a strap on!!!

Oh! What sweet torture!!!

This is always fun!! 

Another fantasy I have!!! I really want to be fucked by a machine someday!!

Check this guy out, 4 orgasms in 5 minutes without losing his erection!  Look at his semen production, during his first orgasm, he releases a massive amount, his last, barely any.  He literally drained himself dry.   

Have a great week everyone!!!
Stay Sexy!!!! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

What I Wish I Was Doing....Right Now!!

Hello all you sexy readers!! Hope you have all had a great long weekend!
I spent the majority of mine relaxing at home. I would have liked to have spent some time at the park or lake, but it was like a frickin sauna outside again. Oh well, won't be long until we were wishing it was warmer outside.
Anyways....I've been perusing some pics today over here: And thought I would share some images of what I wish I was doing.......

Stay Sexy!!! Enjoy!!

MMMMM! So much FUN!!!! 

Love a hard, wet cock in my hands!

Oh yeah!!! Would love to be in the same room watching this!! 

This is always fun to do!!! Then watch it back...And end up doing it some more.....

Ummmmmm....Yes Please!!!!!!!!

I am almost rendered speechless!! Such a beautiful picture of two things I love to have in my mouth!!! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Win A Beautiful Neon Or Tie Dyed Vixskin Dildo!!!

These are GORGEOUS!!!! Vixen Creations has just launched three new colors!!!! Win either the Maverick Dildo or the Mustang dildo. 

Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Winner must be over 18 and live in the U.S. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Head on over to one of my favorite blogs to enter!!! 
Hey Epiphora

Monday, August 13, 2012

Time for a No More Mudane Mondays Post!!

Okay, I know I have been way too lax in my postings!! So (please) spank me!!!!
Hope these very hot images will help make up for it!!! Enjoy!!!!

So sexy!!!! So wet!!!

MMMMMM! Beautiful!!! 

I can almost feel the sting!!

I'll never look at an electric guitar the same again!!! 

I must admit I've never done this with another woman!!! Must try!! 

Finally Figured it Out!! Now you can subscribe to email updates!!

And all this time I thought this would be complicated to do!!!
Please subscribe to email updates, so you don't miss a thing I post!!!!
Go to the upper right corner to do so!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy Saturday!!!

Sorry!! Been busy! Had a fabulous night out with a good friend I went to school with last night! We had not seen each other for 30+ years!! I am hungover today!! UGH!!!  Went to see a drag show!! Had a BLAST!!!! But somehow these little drinks in little shot glasses kept appearing in front of me!! Go figure!!!! ;-) LOL!!!

Saw this cartoon and I just HAD to share!!!!
I'll be posting again tomorrow!!! Promise!!!!

(Click on image to view larger)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just popping In to Share Something Funny!!!

Hello!!!! Sorry for the very sporadic postings as of late! Summertime always finds me being more active outdoors and such.....
Anyway, I was reading one of my favorite websites, and came across these!!

Aren't They Cute??????

And here they are in action!!! 
(Sorry! I could not figure out how to get the video to post here!!) 

I just think these are so creative!! And Fun!!!! 

You can purchase them here: 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's HOT!!

Seems that most of us are coping with the heat lately!! UGHHHHH!
So I am hoping that with this post I will either help cool you down or make you forget about the hot weather for a while!
But I won't promise to not make you a bit hot and bothered!!


Now this would be a nice way to keep cool!

MMMM! So would this!! 

And this too! 

MMMM! Better than a popsicle any day!!

OMG!! I Love, Love, Love it when someone sucks my pussy like this! And I LOVE to do it in return too!!!

MMM! I crave someone spanking me over their knee while I feel their hard cock up against my thigh!!

Going with the motions!! (Actually this is a big fantasy of mine!!)

Final post...(For now, because after watching this clip I have a major urge to go masturbate to a squirting orgasm!!!)
This is SOOOOO HOT!!!!  You Must Watch This Video!!! 


Monday, January 23, 2012

My Hiatus Is Over!!!

Hello All! Hope everyone survived the holidays okay! I've been in kind of a winter funk lately, but I thought I'd stop by to post some extremely sexy photos for your pleasure. ( And Mine! )  ; )
I will be hopefully getting back in the blogging mood more often, so stay tuned!!! 

This photo turns me on so much!! I can almost taste it!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM!!

Such a Lady!
One of my favorite 3-way positions!!! Oh YES! 

Love the feeling of this under my fingertips!! The way a cock jumps and responds when this is done is such a turn on!!

I will be back again real soon!!! Promise!